Saturday, January 20, 2007

Some Random Suggestions to the Newly Born Blog---WDF---

---Wu Defeng---
So you guys see the frist suggestion here? why not tag your name at the beginning of your entry or at the end of the title or any where obvious and eye-catchy so that we know who the motherf***ker who posted this entry actually is. sorry for being rude here, but actually it is just to reply to Mr F's comment that WDF don't know how to swear. ok, here it goes: WDF are able and willing to swear, and WDF can swear really dirtily. [Ed Note: Be civil. If you want to swear at FCY to prove you can swear, then swear at him, not here.]

OK, here is the second comment of the newly born blog. can we migrate the whole crap book here so we will have a crap blog. since our crap book is so popular, this crap blog may become very popular as well. i believe that collective effort will win any individual. so if we write together, this may ended up the most popular blog in the word. our should we start a some kind of wiki thing, say name it wikiblog whatsoever. it may be a very good business idea so CS take note, ha. ( err, probably some smarta** has come out with it already but it is still unbeknown to me.)

the third advice here is to our beloved Master X, since he is the class secretary. then filling the blog with formal entry of our notorious deed everyday is naturally part of his job. so should we suggest to the higher authority that we officially make it as part of Master X's job( Master X will kill me mercilessly if this becomes true, so those people in the class who wants to strike me with great vangence, this is your chance....)

So you see, after attending Miss Y's lesson, my entry becomes very organised and neat, isn't it.


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