Wednesday, January 24, 2007

If Economics was a religion....

Adam Smith would be Moses, because he brought the Word (aka The Wealth of Nations) to the masses. Stuart Mills, Karl Marx and Ricardo would be the old testament prophets. John Maynard Keynes would be the saviour, who saved millions from sin (aka The Great Depression) and died at a young age.

The Nobel Prize Laureates would be the equivalent of Saints and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences would be the College of Cardinals. The promised land would be the United States (where an awful lot of the faithful (aka Economists) live and practise the faith), and the Pope (aka Chairman of the Federal Reserve) presides and wields its powerful staff (Read: Interest Rates) over all nations of the world.

The priests (aka Teachers and Professors) would go out to preach the Word (now corrupted into neo-classical, Keynesian, monetarists, etc... sort of like sectarian splits) to the unsaved (Read: Students).


WDF said...

nice one.... but the blog is kinda dead already, after only been built for one week...

fleak2 said...


lets make it alive again