Wednesday, February 14, 2007

V Day

Yay, its 14th Feb, V day cum friendship day cum cross country day! apparently e guys in our class r unmoved by the events on this day cos they had no form of appreciation for members of the other gender in the class. Guys in some other classes had sent every girl in e class a flower but in our class, e situation was girls giving friendship day gifts only. wat happened to e guys??!! haha, tat meant no offence. anyway, quite a fair bit of events took place today. after e mass angel-give-mortal-mortal-give-angel gift session, we had e best present- chem test on kinetics! hm...e activation energy in our class seems rather low, cos we dont have any class couple. there may have been many collisions but too little effective collisions (in fact none to speak of). Look at our junior class, e rate of formation of class couples is 2 in less than 3 months. haha but such things cant be forced so we can only satisfy ourselves with juicy rumours... cross country was ok la since girls who ran for the mass run all came within top 100. sadly, our dearest pe rep decided to jog n tok kok n henceforth came in 500++ (e number, not actual ranking). n we allexperienced a little bit of a shock before e run cos we realised we had no number tags! btw, e concentrated milo was nice! today, our class finally displayed a bit of unity when we mass pon e award ceremony. One for all, all for one, when one leaves, all leave. LOL

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