Monday, February 5, 2007


Agreed we need to be more N2 and more posts for our blog

dont let it die out like the last one...

shall be the one to comment on chem spa today

First, it is the first ever spa skill a that i have completed within the time limit. wont get killed by tham.=]

Next, with no aromatic compounds ths tests have become alot easier to do.

Last, alot of paper for me to waste space and write BIG so i am happy!


I hate doing tests in the audi or any LT cos they are not very "left-hander friendly", the tables are all opened from the right and even the leftmost tables are right handed. I had to lean my hand on the other table or hold it there and train my arm's endurance just to finish the test.

Today, I have made a personal best in tying strings in which i can tie a string around a bottle within 40 seconds but still very slow cos i still have 60 more bottles to tie right now...

The in-charge told me to go ahead and leave the job for the j1s tomorrow if not they have nothing to do during the CCA session. Feel bad leaving the work for them, but if i can slack cos of that i am more than willing to let them do.

oh yeah! BTW who has the current junior class class list i want 1!

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