Saturday, February 17, 2007

Two cows as applied to Financial Markets

Originally by Mark Gilbert, columnist, Bloomberg

Leveraged Buyouts
You have two cows. You come home from the fields one day to find Henry Kravis chatting to your spouse at the dining-room table. Two days later, you have no spouse, no farm, and no table. Two guys the size of sumo wrestlers have saddled up the cows and are riding them around the farmyard.

Currency Market
You have two cows. China has 1 trillion cows. Guess who sets the price of milk?

Bond Market
You have two cows. One is Brazilian, one is Australian. They yield 25 quarts of milk per day. That's half as much as three years ago, when you traded your less-lactiferous German and U.S. cows for them. You are thinking of swapping for a pair of Namibian cows. They only have three legs but, hey, they produce 26 quarts per day.

You have two cows. You repackage five of them into a Collateralized Lactating Obligation, pay for a AAA credit rating, slice the CLO into 10 pieces and sell it to investors, skimming the cream from the milk for yourself. Three of the cows fall ill, and the credit rating plummets. You get to keep the cream.

Hedge Funds
You have two cows. A guy in an open-necked shirt drives up in his Bentley and offers to take care of them for you in return for a year's supply of steak and 50 percent of their milk. They won't be allowed to leave his compound for two years. Six months later, you have half a cow, producing sour milk. ``You have to be willing to lose rump today to get rib-eye tomorrow,'' the hedge-fund guy mumbles through a mouthful of sirloin and champagne.

Assume two cows.

Carbon-Emissions Trading
You have two cows. They produce 1.2 tons of methane gas per day. After a hefty donation to the re-election campaign of your local representative, the government gives you enough emission permits for six cows. You sell three permits, buy another cow, and apply for a European Commission grant to build a methane-gas power station.

Microsoft Corp.
You have one old, tired cow. A recent heart transplant may have come too late to save the beast.

Google Inc.
You have no cows. You slap advertisements on everyone else's cows. The milk floods in. You use the proceeds to reinvent the cow.

Apple Inc.
Nobody wants your cows. You design the cutest little milk bottle. Now, everybody wants your cows.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
You have 26,467 cows. They are strapped into the milking machines 24/7. Some of them have more hay than they could ever hope to eat. Others aspire to one day having more hay than they could ever hope to eat. The cows with the most hay end up with big government jobs.

Pension-Fund Management
You have two cows. How boring is that? You pay a month's supply of milk to a consultant, who advises you to sell one cow and buy two aardvarks instead. The aardvarks die. The consultant charges you four months of your (now reduced) milk supply and advises you to sell half of your remaining cow and buy a wombat. The wombat dies. The consultant charges eight months of milk for a copy of his new report, ``Two-Cow Strategies for Alleviating the Impending Pensions Crisis.''

Russian Energy
You have two cows. Comrade, those cows are an environmental hazard. We suggest you hand one of them over to us.

Credit-Default Swaps
You have two cows. You buy insurance against them dying, and tuck the contracts into the middle of that tottering pile of documentation on your desk. One dark night, Henry Kravis sneaks off with your cows. By the time you track down the paperwork, your now worthless contracts have expired.

Interest-Rate Swaps
You have two cows. You pledge one of them to me as collateral in a swap for some of my pigs. I pledge the cow to my neighbor as collateral in a swap for some of his sheep. He pledges the cow to his cousin as collateral in a swap for some of his cousin's goats. Better pray the livestock market doesn't crash and we have to try and round up that cow.

You have lots of stocks and bonds, but no cows. Are you crazy? Cows are the hot new market. Here, buy this exchange- traded cow futures contract. It can't lose. It gained 40 percent in the past six months.

You have two cows. You wear a cap you made out of tin foil so that the tiny black helicopters can't read your thoughts. You spend your days blogging about how the government's decision to abandon the cattle standard in 1933 was part of a global conspiracy by the world's central banks to destroy the value of your herd.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

V Day

Yay, its 14th Feb, V day cum friendship day cum cross country day! apparently e guys in our class r unmoved by the events on this day cos they had no form of appreciation for members of the other gender in the class. Guys in some other classes had sent every girl in e class a flower but in our class, e situation was girls giving friendship day gifts only. wat happened to e guys??!! haha, tat meant no offence. anyway, quite a fair bit of events took place today. after e mass angel-give-mortal-mortal-give-angel gift session, we had e best present- chem test on kinetics! hm...e activation energy in our class seems rather low, cos we dont have any class couple. there may have been many collisions but too little effective collisions (in fact none to speak of). Look at our junior class, e rate of formation of class couples is 2 in less than 3 months. haha but such things cant be forced so we can only satisfy ourselves with juicy rumours... cross country was ok la since girls who ran for the mass run all came within top 100. sadly, our dearest pe rep decided to jog n tok kok n henceforth came in 500++ (e number, not actual ranking). n we allexperienced a little bit of a shock before e run cos we realised we had no number tags! btw, e concentrated milo was nice! today, our class finally displayed a bit of unity when we mass pon e award ceremony. One for all, all for one, when one leaves, all leave. LOL

Thursday, February 8, 2007


These few days you would have discovered that 2 CCAs have set-up ice cream stores for the school population.

Come and eat some ice-cream to cool down. =P O>

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

falling sick

falling sick is a sad thing and im beginning to suspect tat a bug's in the class. ppl hav been falling sick one after another since the start of the year and the latest victim is mr foo, who's declared tat he wont be coming to sch for 2 days. is it sth to do with the erratic weather or is it our bodies which have grown too weak after too much studying? haha, apparently the latter doesnt apply to the majority of our classmates who remain fit and healthy. anyway, would like to commend the councillors for their tissue cos it certainly helps a sick person like me who has to ensure her nose doesnt run away.

Quotes from Woody Allen

  • To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But, then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer, to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love, to be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy, therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness....
  • There's an old joke... two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one of 'em says, "Boy, the food at this place is really terrible." The other one says, "Yeah, I know; and such small portions." Well, that's essentially how I feel about life — full of loneliness, and misery, and suffering, and unhappiness — and it's all over much too quickly.
  • More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
  • I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying. I don't want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment.
  • My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.
  • You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred.

Monday, February 5, 2007


Agreed we need to be more N2 and more posts for our blog

dont let it die out like the last one...

shall be the one to comment on chem spa today

First, it is the first ever spa skill a that i have completed within the time limit. wont get killed by tham.=]

Next, with no aromatic compounds ths tests have become alot easier to do.

Last, alot of paper for me to waste space and write BIG so i am happy!


I hate doing tests in the audi or any LT cos they are not very "left-hander friendly", the tables are all opened from the right and even the leftmost tables are right handed. I had to lean my hand on the other table or hold it there and train my arm's endurance just to finish the test.

Today, I have made a personal best in tying strings in which i can tie a string around a bottle within 40 seconds but still very slow cos i still have 60 more bottles to tie right now...

The in-charge told me to go ahead and leave the job for the j1s tomorrow if not they have nothing to do during the CCA session. Feel bad leaving the work for them, but if i can slack cos of that i am more than willing to let them do.

oh yeah! BTW who has the current junior class class list i want 1!

help: we need oxygen

gee jus saw the juniors' blog, more happening than ours lor. hm maybe we should bring a cam to capture precious moments of our class too. people, pls post, give the blog oxygen. we need to keep the blog alive, its barely surviving even though its jus started.