Friday, March 2, 2007

more cows

Feudalism you have two cows. your lord takes some of the milk
Socialism you have two cows. The goverment takes them and puts them with everyone elses cows. Then give you as much as it thinks you need.
Bureacratic you have two cows. The gov. takes them in and put them in a barn with everyone elses cows. They are cared for by chicken farmers. then you have to take care of the chickens that the gov. took from the chicken farmers
Communism you have two cows. your neighbors help you take care of them and everyone shares the milk
Russian Communism you have two cows. you have to take care of the cows. then the gov. takes all the milk.
Democracy you have two cows. your neighbors decide who gets the milk.
Represenative democracy You have two cows. you elect someone with the best face for TV to tell you how to take care of your cows.
Bureaucracy you have two cows. the gov. regulates when you can fed them and when you can milk them. Then pays you not to. then it takes the cows, shoots one, milks the other dry, and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms concerning the missing cows.
Facism you have two cows. the gov. takes them both and shoots you.
Capitalism you have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

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