Wednesday, April 25, 2007

We Won 7E ...

Yay, cheers to Chen Shuang, Defeng, Xiuyi and Mei Hui ... Despite being the 1st runner up for the economics mastermind, we still have beaten our "rival" 7E ! Isn't that great ... Well, let's hope we keep up with the good work and aim to beat 7E flat in BT2 okies ? Hahaz ...

Sunday, April 22, 2007



I know this is late but i want to wish all those who have SYF good luck, all the best and 加油!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Declaring War on 7C?

Well, xiuyi and I tried to do that during MAC last friday ... Sadly, to our horror, there is no one form 07S7C in MAC ... So dissapointed ... Couldn't ask them of their opinion of what actions they would take and how they will feel if they realised someone played a prank on them by secretly swapping their class bench elsewhere?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

OMG we have finally defeated 7E in physics

keep up with the good work!

In the meantime...

congratulations to the whole class for getting As for PW!

If only we didnt have lessons, we would be able to have a class outing...

3 cheers for 6K!

after the class bench episode, some residents of 6K have declared war with 7C

we shall wish those bravados a happy and successful war campaign.